Beat Depression with Exercise

A robust study conducted by Richard J. MaddockGretchen A. CasazzaDione H. Fernandez and Michael I. Maddock (2016) showed significant results that increased physical activity would affect 2 neurotransmitter levels that are linked to depression.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate are linked to depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Through a stationary bicycle of 38 subjects, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate levels increased following a single bout of exercise compared to a control group of those who didn’t undergo the exercise.

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According to the study, researchers state:

The observations on brain carbohydrate metabolism, electrophysiology, and cortical excitation–inhibition balance suggest that the brain state associated with physical activity includes a widespread increase in neural activation compared with the sedentary state. The current findings suggest that this brain state includes a metabolic shift leading to expansion of the tissue pools of glutamate and GABA.  the tissue pools of glutamate and GABA.


They report that:

a consistent increase in cortical glutamate and GABA levels following a single bout of exercise in young, healthy, physically active volunteers. Glutamate increased in both V1 and ACC. These observations add to a growing recognition that the brain state associated with physical activity differs from that associated with sedentary states and includes distinctive changes in brain metabolism.

This study shows why exercise is good for our health. This is a classic example that what we do induces our mood.

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